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Bear Coast Page 9

  “You have no idea” she said dismissively.

  Back down below, Trex had entered the cage.

  Tommy was just downing the last of the potion in large gulps.

  “Yuck,” said Tommy, his face screwing up for a second at the unpleasant taste.

  Handing the mug to the nervous Stevtro, Tommy entered the cage, short sword and small round shield in hand.

  Stevtro locked the cage door, fumbling a bit with the keys.

  “Have you taken the potion often?” Trex asked his adult opponent, waiting for the potion to take effect.

  “First time actually,” admitted Tommy, “but as you are not allowed to take it more then once a week, according to the old documents, the professor and I had to take turns.”

  “There’s some pretty nasty stuff in there I hear…” continued Tommy, “according to some of the old stories a couple of old instructors got addicted to the stuff and went crazy.”

  “Enough talk,” said the Professor from above, “start sparring, otherwise the applicant won’t notice the build up.”

  A rumble was audible from Tommy’s stomach.

  “Ok,” confirmed Tommy, “here we go.”

  Tommy and Trex circled each other a bit before Tommy launched his first attack. The two exchanged blows.

  Trex dodged and weaved well, keeping his opponent at arms length like a boxer.

  Tommy fainted a sidestep, then jumped forward, managing to pin Trex against the bars of the cage.

  Trex using his strength to push back as the two fighters strained to hold their position.

  “Don’t let me get you in a hold again once the potion takes effect,” whispered Tommy to Trex as way of friendly advice.

  Trex squirmed out of the tight spot, stepping away. He nodded with a half smile as acknowledgement

  Tommy turned slowly, he was panting noticeably now, his eyes looked dazed, but oddly focussed. His state was deteriorating by the second.

  The sudden wave of projected hostility hit everyone in the large hall at the same time, it streamed out of the lion like a hot wind.

  Even Brekiz and Sara could feel it quickly build up.

  “There you go,” whispered Brekiz, in an ‘I told you so’ manner.

  “You have no Idea if that is what it feels like from a real wolf,” countered Sara, though with a bit of hesitation, it felt very similar indeed.

  “I do,” said Brekiz darkly, and it was immediately apparent to Sara that he wasn’t lying.

  Tommy’s movements became coarse, but also much more powerful. Trex deflected powerful blows and concentrated hard to stay away from the lunging lion.

  The instructor suddenly let out a groan, clutching at his stomach.

  There was a break in the emotional projection, it stuttered and another sensation seemed to linger in the background.

  “Tommy? Is everything ok?” asked his Professor with concern. This had not happened during his turn, but as he had been dazed, he was unsure if this was another normal side effect.

  “I don’t… know,” forced out Tommy between deep breaths in a husky voice.

  Trex had just begun to slip out of his concentrated frame of mind out of concern, when Tommy suddenly attacked again. The young lion dove and rolled away. The blow from Tommy left a dint in the bar of the cage it hit.

  Trex allowed himself only the most fleeting moment of concern. Something was wrong.

  “Stevtro, did it feel like that when I took the potion?” asked the concerned Professor, getting up.

  “Something is wrong,” said Sara automatically. The young wolf began to get up.

  Brekiz grabbed hold of her arm.

  “Stay down,” he said angrily, “they’ve got it under control.”

  Sara gave her escort a scolding look, but then continued to watch with concern.

  Tommy was almost unrecognisable, he was breathing erratically and his eye’s had become intense. The fur on his shoulders stood on end and his head was hunched, his whole posture was more lurching.

  The wild Anthro lion let out a shout.

  The projection turned up instantly, it was as if the smell of metal had filled the air, everyone in the hall felt instantly sick.

  Trex was fighting for control of his concentration, being the only one in the room not instantly stunned due to his preparation.

  Tommy lunged at the young Anthro lion, shouting with rage. He had completely lost it.

  Trex deflected but needed every ounce of his concentration and strength. Tommy swung potentially killing blow after blow, hitting the young lion backwards into the iron bars and across the sparring mat. Trex literally had to bounce off the cage walls and jump over his opponent to avoid being impaled by the sword or crushed by the shield.

  “Stevtro!” shouted Professor Ferric in shock, “Stevtro, quickly! Great Spirits sake! Open the door!”

  “We have to help,” said Sara out loud.

  Brekiz was still holding her arm, momentarily also in shock.

  “I know what I’m talking about!” Sara growled, “Trex is in danger!”

  Brekiz looked up at the Wolf, she glared at him dangerously. It was enough to break him out of the trance.

  Shaking his head of a second, he was able to regain control.

  “Right… let’s go,” he said finally.

  Stavro was still in shock at what he himself had caused. He was unable to move as he watched Trex fight for his life.

  “Stavro!” yelled Professor Ferric jumping up to move over.

  The shocked Stavro finally snapped out of his trance. Panicking, he fumbled the keys. He quickly forced the right one into the lock. Even if he had not done it deliberately, his shaking hands may have caused the key to break as it did.

  There was an audible snap of metal.

  Trex was tiring quickly, panting heavily as he dodged and landed blow after blow of hits in an attempt to knock his opponent out, but none had any effect, it was as if Tommy had become immune to pain.

  “Help!” growled Trex. He barely sidestepped as Tommy lunged with his shield, the blow leaving another dint in the strong metal bars of the cage.

  Professor Ferric arrived at the cage door at the same time as Sara and Brekiz did from the other side. He was too concerned about the two lions in the cage to even register properly that the other two had arrived.

  “What did you do? Open the door!” yelled the older lion.

  “I can’t!” shouted back the snivelling Stavro, honesty overwhelmed with the whole matter, “the key broke in the lock!”

  Sara pushed the helpless lion out of the way, grabbing at the door, Brekiz and the professor followed and all three heaved at the metal framework.

  The door strained, and some of the bars bent a bit, but it would not give.

  Trex dove away again and quickly made as much room between himself and his deranged opponent as he could.

  Tommy gave a yell and threw his shield at the evasive youngster like a discus.

  Still off balance, Trex had to block with his staff. In an instant, the metal of the staff flowed like water over the surface of the staff towards its centre, but it was just a moment too late.

  The shield impacted on the forming metal, causing it to explode in shards and shatter the wood.

  Trex was thrown backwards into the bars of the cage, stunned momentarily.

  “Open the door!” commanded Sara, leaving the two Anthro lions to race over to Trex. Sara slid to a halt just on the outer side of the cage to her friend. Taking a firm stance she let loose her emotions as one of her hands shot out to grab Trex’s shoulder from behind.

  Trex’s initial shock was quickly overwhelmed by the supporting projection from Sara. Recognising what Sara was doing from having experienced it during his fight with the Exile Horrist, Trex instantly weighed up his new options as Tommy began to run forward.

  Now without a weapon or real alternative, Trex allowed the supporting feelings to rapidly build. Gnashing his teeth in growing anger, Trex’s ears went flat to
his head, his eye’s snapping from calm control to instant rage. Grabbing the shield as he sprung forward, the young lion raced towards his onrushing opponent. The two combatants let out scream of rage as they clashed head-on in the centre of the cage.

  Sara seemed to glow as she continued to pour her projection into the young lion despite the contact being broken.

  “Get back!” yelled Brekiz from near the gate. Grabbing at his pouches, he quickly grabbed two handfuls of different powders. Retrieving a small metal flint from his pocket he slammed one hand onto the lock, leaving a sticky lump.

  Raising his other hand, his face strained with concentration as he slammed his hand down. There was a bright flash a deafening thunderclap. The lock was blown from its casing and the door tore itself open.

  Trex and Tommy were locked together in a deathly grip. Trex held the wrist of Tommy as the older lion tried to force the short sword into the youngster’s body.

  Sara closed her eyes to concentrate and Trex got the extra strength he needed. He firstly forced Tommy back a bit before flinging his off balance opponent around him and into the metal bars beyond. The crazed instructor impacted with such force that there was a small imprint.

  Tommy collapsed onto the ground.

  Trex was bent over, huffing and gulping for air as Sara relinquished her projection. The young wolf was also out of breath due to her efforts.

  Tommy was already slowly getting back up but was obviously stunned.

  “Trex! Get out of there!” called Brekiz.

  Trex blinked a few times before finally stumbling over.

  Letting his momentum carry him through the door, he ran a few more steps before collapsing onto the ground. Rolling onto his back, he let his arms flop wide apart just in time to watch Brekiz close the door.

  The application of two other powders by the curly blond Anthro lion caused a bright flash and a sizzle. The young apprentice Shaman had effectively welded the lock back shut.

  Trex looked up at the roof high above, his mind still disorientated.

  Sara, Brekiz and the Professor moved over to the exhausted youngster.

  “You ok?” asked the older Professor, still not one hundred percent up to speed himself.

  “I… think… so,” replied Trex between breathes.

  There was a moments silence as all recovered their thoughts.

  Behind them, there was a half grown, half growl, as Tommy got back to his feet.

  Nearby, Stavro watched on with concern. His mind was still too overwhelmed with the current situation, though a deep seated feeling of dread started to build in the background.

  Now locked in the cage on his own, the animal like Tommy roared in anger, punching the cage in frustration.

  “Sara, Brekiz… thanks,” Trex added a moment later looking from one to the other. He knew already that he had just avoided death thanks to the actions of both of his friends.


  One step backwards, two steps...

  (The tale of Trex and Sara)

  Sage Filfia and Lieutenant Millan had just entered into the inner Palace complex of RefugeCross. As was normally the case during days of public access, there were a few guards lining the route from the main gate through the middle of the central palace complex and into the council chamber forecourt beyond.

  Sage Filfia looked up at the imposing battlements as she walked through the main courtyard. The midday shadows of the onion shaped tower tops fell across the elegant courtyard with its mosaics and polished flagstones.

  A small bird landed on one of the manicured, graceful older trees that lined the entrance courtyard. It chirped in an exaggerated manner.

  Sage Filfia stopped for a second, observing the excited creature. She contemplated something for a second before continuing.

  Millan watched on with a critical eye.

  The two Anthros walked up to the luxurious and grand central palace complex.

  With both of its main, two-story high, grand doors fully open, the Sage could see completely through the lower entrance hall to the open space on the other side, and also the back-end of a large crowd building there.

  The public council discussion had attracted quite a number of curious Anthros, the masses spilling out into the council chambers forecourt.

  Sage Filfia walked to the large ornate fountain in the middle of the central place building. High above, light streamed in from four large windows just below the central gigantic onion shaped dome. The bright light reflected off the four huge white marble columns that were the centre of the building, filling the hall with dazzling light. Two wide staircases lead out from either side of the inner entrance hall up to the residential apartments and offices. These were guarded by numerous permanent guards.

  Lieutenant Millan was growing impatient, unhappy to let the Sage linger inside the palace complex. If it had been up to her, Sage Filfia would not have been allowed to enter the palace at all. But she had had to relent. It had been difficult enough to insist to Captain Felx that the Sage required a constant escort. But in the end, she had gotten her way… at least to a point.

  “Sage Filfia,” said a gruff old voice from one of the staircases. The two female Anthros turned to see Shaman Katan Huzzel come walking down one of the wide steps. A large smile was visible in the middle of his bushy goatee like beard.

  “Shaman Huzzel,” greeted Filfia with a smile.

  The two came together and exchanged a Wolf like handshake in greeting.

  Millan was mildly surprised, but considering all that she had seen today, she was able to keep her mild shock in check.

  “The council meeting has already started,” said Katan quickly, “but before we head over I need to talk with you quickly… I’ve been waiting.”

  “I’m sorry for the delay, but there were a few extra regulations to follow this time.”

  The Sage indicated behind her to the patiently waiting Millan.

  Katan observed the Lieutenant critically. Though he had never dealt with her directly, her reputation had gotten around.


  “You may go Lieutenant,” stated Katan with authority, “I will ‘escort’ the Sage for the remainder of her stay here.”

  There was an appropriate distasteful emphasis on the word escort, indicating the Shaman’s views on the whole matter well enough.

  “I’m afraid I can not allow that,” replied Millan, unconcerned, “the Sage represents too much of a potential threat.”

  “My dear Lieutenant,” started Katan, his voice mildly patronising, “I am the city’s senior Shaman, I believe I am able to contain any threat your mind could come up with.”

  “Nevertheless,” replied Millan, her voice cold, “I am well within my right to request this action.”

  Katan more closely examined the Lieutenant with a critical eye. He quickly summed up that he was dealing with a lioness who probably knew every line of the Lion Empire military code, and was not afraid to use it, against anyone.

  “And I am well within my right to request a private audience.” Katan answered back coolly, knowing his own privileges.

  Millan and Katan exchanged fixed stares. Sage Filfia looked on with academic interest.

  Around the three the standing guards tried to fain disinterest, but you could tell from their stiff postures and rotated ears that they were listening in with interest.

  “As you wish,” Millan finally relented, “I will wait outside the ‘secured’ room… in case you require any ‘assistance’.”

  The Lieutenant did well to so skilfully emphasise her words while remaining almost monotone.

  Katan frowned, but then took in a deep calming breath before turning back to Filfia.

  “Follow me,” he said in a kind voice, though a hint of frustration was present.

  Filfia smiled, simply following the old Anthro lion.

  Katan closed the heavy wooden door to the elegant private residence that he shared with his wife.

  “The nerve of that so
ldier,” said Katan bitterly.

  “An extraordinary lioness,” said the Sage with a smile.

  “I’m afraid so,” replied Katan, moving over to a desk nearby.

  The Sage took a seat on the large plush sofa.

  “We don’t have much time if we want to catch the end of the council meeting, but I wanted to get you up to date.”

  Katan rummaged around in the desk draws.

  “Why? What has happened?” asked the Sage with interest.

  “We recently received a message from an old mutual friend.”

  Katan turned around to face the Sage, he had a small letter held in the leathery palm of his hand. He had a grave look on his face.

  “Who is it?” asked Filfia, honestly intrigued by the theatrics.

  “It’s from Xerissa,” said Katan

  The calm expression of the Sage broke momentarily to reveal the slightest hint of shock.

  “And she’s in trouble,” he added.

  Back over at the school Sara, Trex and Brekiz stood near the recovering instructor Tommy. The young adult was sitting at the table. He had a blanket over him and held a mug with a tea like contents. On the table were some of the satchels that the herbalist Stavro had brought with him.

  “You feeling better?” asked Trex to the Anthro who had tried to kill him only moments before.

  “Yeah…” replied Tommy in a weak voice, “I hope I didn’t do anything to try and hurt you.”

  Trex and the other two looked up at the now bent and buckled bars of the cage.

  “You may want to have a look at what you did to the cage when you’re feeling better,” suggested Brekiz.

  Tommy looked up for a second, easily recognising the deformations.

  “Oh… sorry,” he offered meekly.

  “It’s not your fault,” came a reassuring female voice from the side, all looked up to see Sergeants Kirra and Brex walk towards them with Professor Ferric.

  “It appears that one of the ingredients was contaminated,” reported the tall blond Sergeant Kirra in a serious tone.

  The short burly Sergeant Brex dropped a satchel onto the table, its contents partially spilling out. In the full light of the hall you could just make out the different colours of the stock and the material that Stavro had added.