Bear Coast Read online

Page 27

  Trex placed his empty wooden bowl in Sara’s, leaning back to make himself more comfortable.

  “So how does it look in there?” asked Trex to the young female Anthro bear next to him.

  Once the fleet had gotten underway the sailors and colonists had begun to tend to the exhausted and injured. Sara and Trex had decided to get out of the way and had dozed on the forecastle until dinner.

  Pettana looked over.

  “Everyone’s been stabilised… I heard that one of the wolf soldiers died on one of the other ship though.”

  Trex and Sara frowned. It was actually a miracle that not more had been lost, but it was sad none the less.

  “Poor thing,” said Trex sadly.

  “She was a soldier,” said Sara, there was empathy in her voice, but also strength, “At least we can bring her home…”

  “Still,” said the young lion.

  “What was her name?” asked Sara.

  “I think it was… Ursa Fertiss” said Pettana.

  Sara and Trex frowned. The loss made it quite clear how lucky they had been, how lucky they had all been.

  “All of the colonists made it though?” asked Sara, not having actually asked since coming back on board.

  “Everyone except the ones we lost in the initial attack,” Pettana replied.

  Sara nodded.

  Trex thought for a moment, remembering back to the belongings he had seen scattered on the beach… the colonists had escaped with little more then their lives. He wondered how they would build up their existence again once they reached RefugeCross, or if they would be able to get back on their feet at all.

  Thinking of his own family, he was beginning to realise what a luxury it was to have even contemplate leaving such security willingly. He had the freedom to choose to leave it all behind, to strike out on his own. It was entirely something else when everything was suddenly taken away, to be forced to start again, to have nothing to fall back on. It was also becoming clear to Trex that this security he thought his family had, was only an illusion.

  He had seen with his own eye’s how quickly you could lose everything. Trex was reminded most brutally that there were many powers at work aiming to do exactly that to his family, those he cared most about… and if not directly to his family, then to others who also deserved better, and who did not have the luxury of choice like him.

  Trex’s tired mind scrambled together enough strength to resolve itself. He decided that he would first concern himself with matters at RefugeCross, for his family and for the colonists. There was plenty to do, plenty to make secure, only after all that was accomplished, would he allow himself the luxury of leaving it all behind.

  Trex nodded in silent determination.

  Nearby, Sara’s mind was also wandering.

  “How did the sailors react?” asked Sara suddenly to Pettana.

  “Sorry?” questioned the young female Anthro bear, unsure at what Sara was getting at.

  “When they saw you I mean?” asked Sara, looking out at the horizon. The young wolf girl’s mind was also busy, and the question had come from the depths of her subconscious.

  “They were shocked,” admitted Pettana, “but they quickly calmed down once the others vouched for me… I actually think the halflings got more attention then me.”

  Sara smirked, somehow finding the description surreal.

  “But you haven’t had any problems, I mean now… or the halflings,” Sara asked after a moment’s silence.

  “I’m not sure… no…not for now. I think everyone has too much to do to worry about that for now.”

  Sara’s sarcastic half smile remained on her tired face. This was exactly what she had been thinking, even if it had not been obvious to her at that exact moment.

  Reflecting at what she had just been through, Sara couldn’t help but find further conflict between her grandfather’s beliefs and what she her self continued to experience. Thoughts of patriotism, stereotypes, race and honour evaporated in the cold light of fighting to survive… all these things had no use when it cam down to it… really came down to it.

  It was amazing to her that these superficial concerns were all that seemed to be on the minds of those back home, the Mintury society and Anthro’s like them.

  Thinking of her grandfather, her deceased grandmother and Sage Filfia, Sara wondered how Anthros like those developed their wider thoughts on life. Sara knew for a fact that all three had had similar life threatening experiences to what she had just been through, and they still had come to completely different philosophies… It was obviously all a lot more complicated then Sara had wanted to see it.

  But this experience had opened her eyes to one thing, life was a lot more intricate then she had ever thought.

  “Ha,” scoffed Sara suddenly.

  Trex and Pettana turned their heads.

  “What?” asked Trex.

  Sara blinked a few times, unaware that she had made a noise.

  “I was just thinking of what Sage Filfia said,” said Sara.

  “And what’s that?” asked Trex.

  “That this would be a valuable experience.”

  Trex smiled.

  “I sure think it was valuable,” said Pettana.

  Trex looked back at the young female bear, giving her a smile.

  “It sure was,” he said confidently, thinking of his family.

  “I didn’t think so at first… but I would have to agree now,” said Sara eventually, looking over at the other two for a moment.

  Sharing a weak smile, the three youngsters hankered down… sleep soon finding their weary minds.

  Not too far from where the three youngsters slept, on the other side of the gently rocking ship, Mayor Petrice used the last of her strength reserves to take care of one last important task. Carefully, so as to ensure that she had not been seen, the blond haired mayor had climbed down the side of the ship to a climbing point so as to be close to the water line. Waiting for the appropriate wave to pass, she laid a small raft into the water, a single sheltered candle flickering brightly in its middle.

  The Grey furred wolf leaned away from the ship, her hair fluttering in the breeze as the small light began to drift away, slipping further back into the endless great, dark ocean.

  Climbing back up to the rear deck, she walked over to lean on the railing, watching as the light disappeared and reappeared in the rolling waves, slowly dimming as it slipped further into the distance.

  Mayor Petrice smiled weakly, a tear in her eyes. This was about all the emotions that she could muster in her weakened state.

  “Thank you Xerissa,” she said softly to the wind.



  (The tale of Trex and Sara)

  Trex and Sara were sitting on deck, each with a length of rope. Nearby, a female lion and wolf male sailor watched the two as they attempted to tie some knots. The two youngsters were looking a lot better then the day before, still thin, but no longer as sickly.

  “Now through,” said the middle aged lioness to Trex.

  Trex did as he was told and pulled the knot tight, holding it up for inspection.

  “Not bad,” said the older male wolf, his torn shirt fluttering in the wind.

  Sara also held up her knot, she was getting good at it.

  “That’s it,” said the lioness with a smile.

  The two youngsters inspected their handwork. Some of the knots might well come in handy.

  “Messenger bird!” came a shout from the crowsnest high above the small group.

  The two youths immediately sprung up.

  “Thanks for the lesson,” said Trex with a smile, handing back the rope.

  “Sure thing,” said the male wolf kindly.

  “Thanks,” said Sara simply, also handing back the rope.

  The two sailors ran out the rope again as they watched the two youngsters ran up to the upper deck.

  The two arrived just as Shaman Katan and Sage Filfia emerged on
deck from the back entrance. Mayor Petrice and Sergeant Kirra had already removed the small paper sheath from the larger messenger bird that was perched on the railing. Sergeant Kirra opened a jar of sticky liquid for the squat colourful bird, stroking its head a bit as it stuck its thin long beak into the jar hungrily.

  “What is the reply?” asked Sage Filfia.

  Trex and Sara moved closer so as to hear the discussion.

  Mayor Petrice read the message again, frowning.

  “Felx has all the healers prepared…” she said seriously, not using the Captains title or surname. Her brow crinkled a bit, and then she continued. “But he said that a Councillor… Gerak, is making trouble about armed wolf soldiers landing in RefugeCross.”

  Sage Filfia frowned.

  “That’s not surprising,” said Shaman Katan thoughtfully.

  “It is insulting, is what it is,” said the Mayor, her voice was steady, but she was stating things as they were.

  Trex thought about it for a moment.

  “I suppose, if worst comes to worst, they could just hand over their weapons?” suggested Trex carefully.

  He knew that he was potentially treading on thin ice. Though lions felt naked without their weapons, Wolf soldiers had something approaching a religious connection to theirs.

  Sara gave him a disapproving glare.

  “I mean you do it when you enter the lower planes,” Trex stated in defence of his previous words.

  “That’s different,” said Sara, “I leave my weapons behind by choice… they are not taken off me. Anyway, these are soldiers returning from a battle… it’s an insult.”

  Trex noticed that the adults were looking over at the two. Trex shrugged, how was he meant to know the finer points of the military traditions of the Wolf Kingdom.

  “It would be the first time armed wolves have entered RefugeCross since its recapture,” noted Sergeant Kirra, “I could see how that’s a sensitive issue.”

  “The whole thing is also a sensitive issue for my soldiers,” said Mayor Petrice, “They won’t react well to this at all.”

  “What is this Gerak afraid of?” said Sara, “that the sight of armed wolves will inspire the occupied wolf population to rebel or something?”

  “Possibly, who knows how the general Anthro population will react,” said Shaman Katan, stroking his long white beard, “perception is a complex thing. Councillor Gerak just wants to make sure that he forces the perception in the direction that he thinks is best… He wants to make it clear that lions call the shots in RefugeCross and Wolves have to bend to their will.”

  “Is their grip on power so weak?” said Sara mockingly, crossing her arms in annoyance.

  “Some memories stay fresh for a long time,” warned Sergeant Kirra, “it’s always been a potential flashpoint. Only Captain Felx’s popularity maintains the current peace. And even that only got a foothold after Trex’s father’s sacrifice.”

  Sara blinked a few times.

  “Sacrifice?” she asked.

  “A few years into the occupation” said Shaman Katan, “there was a series of arson attacks against wolf properties. The situation was getting out of control and it looked like open rebellion was inevitable.”

  Sara noticed that Trex’s gaze fell towards the deck, this was a story he did not enjoy hearing.

  “In one of the fires, some wolf cubs had become trapped… it was to hot to go in to save them… But Trex’s father went in anyway, using his cloak to shield from the heat… he got the cubs out under his cloak… but he was too badly burnt…”

  Kirra also lowered her head. This story was well known in RefugeCross, but was not so often told in the wolf territories.

  “Oh,” said Sara, deflating slightly, “I didn’t know.”

  “After that the arson attacks stopped… and well, his selfless actions dampened the spirit of rebellion for a crucial few months.”

  Silence returned as all thought back to that turbulent time.

  “It’s such a pity that we can’t use this unique opportunity of cooperation as a positive thing,” said Mayor Petrice, looking out at the distant coastline, “instead of letting this misguided Councillor Gerak turn it into something that will just increase antagonism.”

  “If only we could use some of these stupid traditions and his precious rules and regulations against him...” said Trex suddenly, “you would think that the rules would be tending towards common sense… they’re our allies after all.”

  All looked at the youth, his use of the term ally an unusual formulation.

  “Allie,” said Shaman Katan “You might have something there Trex.”

  The older Shaman suddenly smiled shrewdly.

  “Ladies,” he said suddenly to the three senior females around him, “I might have an idea… I just need to fill in some details.”

  Sage Filfia and Mayor Petrice also smiled slightly, seemingly following his train of thought.

  Trex and Sara looked on, wondering what they had come up with.

  The main square that faced the riverfront of RefugeCross was abuzz with activity. Crowds had begun to form as soon as the three ships had been sighted. The return of the expeditionary force and the colonists would have been enough to generate a large crowd on its own. Once the rumour had spread that halflings were aboard, in addition to armed wolf soldiers, almost everyone in the city had turned up at the official riverfront landing point to see what would happen. Anthros were standing on the rooftops of the bars and cafés close to the water front and around the square. Some youngsters had even climbed the large trees along the built-up riverbank of the mighty river Thitchel to get a glimpse over the heads of the mixed race crowd.

  A swarm of curious onlookers had also taken to small boats, which held their spot in the weaker currents of the river mouth. Reservists held the crowd back at the main landing point so as to allow the waiting healers to gather.

  Captain Felx stood next to the healers, with him was Head Councillor Tasch.

  Lieutenant Millan was nearby with a small contingent of regular soldiers, next to her stood Councillor Gerak and a nervous councillor Herrol. Just behind the male Councillors, held back by the line of active reservists, stood a large group of conservative armed lions. The concerned citizens had been called up by the slick dark haired councillor, in case of any trouble.

  The three ships slowly made their way over to the landing, the sailors lowering their last manoeuvring sails.

  The murmuring of the crowd continued to get louder as everyone tried to get a glimpse on deck. All that could be seen, however, were the sailors as they secured the lead ship and prepared the gangplank.

  A gust of breeze swept over the crowd, the cold wind and partially cloudy sky not particularly welcoming.

  Captain Felx gave a side glance towards the dark haired Councillor. They glared at each other for a moment.

  Between the two males stood Lieutenant Millan, looking at the ship confidently with a frown.

  “Now don’t do anything too rash,” warned Head Councillor Tasch next to the Captain, noticing his stern gaze.

  “As long as he does nothing foolish…” Felx said darkly.

  “He’s rattled you a bit, hasn’t he?” asked the soft spoken elderly councillor.

  Felx looked back towards the ship, breathing out noticeably.

  “That’s the only way he can win you know, with mind games,” she continued, looking at the incoming ships herself. “You just have to keep your wits about you.”

  “I know, I know,” said the bearded lion Captain, his voice more even.

  On the deck of the ship there was suddenly movement as part of the mixed race expeditionary force made their way on deck.

  The volume of the crowd suddenly increased.

  “Here we go,” said the Captain Felx, his businesslike glance returning.

  At the front of the group of exhausted and injured soldiers were Sergeant Brex flanked by the two taller wolf females, Mayor Petrice and Lieutenant Rosso. Behind them, Se
rgeant Kirra was holding a stretcher bearing the body of the fallen wolf soldier, the wolf’s sword and weapons laid ceremonially on her partially shrouded body.

  Around Kirra was a mixture of Anthro wolf and lion volunteers, all were obviously injured to various degrees. Except for the stretcher bearers, all were still fully armed.

  The older wolf sea Captain of the vessel stood near the gangplank that lead down to the shore, near him stood two lion sailors.

  On the upper deck at the back of the ship, Shaman Katan and Sage Filfia appeared by the railing, they were soon joined by Trex and Sara.

  Mayor Petrice nodded to the small Sergeant next to her and the three moved forward.

  The crowd began to quieten as they tried to hear what would undoubtedly be said soon. The tension hung thick in the air. Uncertainty and an odd mixture of hope and expectation lingered in the masses.

  As the three walked by the waiting sea Captain, the wolves stopped to ceremonially hand over their swords to him and his two attendants.

  This generated some murmurs in the crowd.

  The Captain bowed slightly in respect as the three moved on.

  Reaching the bottom of the ramp, the three moved forward just enough to allow the others to file down behind them, seemingly waiting for something.

  “They are still armed!” councillor Herrol suddenly shouted, pointing to the daggers that were quite visible on the wolf soldier’s belts.

  Captain Felx frowned as the crowd suddenly got a lot louder. He looked up towards the Shaman and Sage on the upper deck. Felx and Head Councillor Tasch suddenly stiffened up noticeably. They seemed to be slightly shocked. Both maintained eye contact with Sage Filfia up on the deck of the ship. As quickly as it had come, the sensation was gone. Felx glanced back to the older female councillor by his side.

  “Wow,” he said, “she really is good.”

  Communication with projection alone was a delicate and highly complex skill.

  Councillor Tasch nodded, “do you think they have a plan that will work?”

  The two looked up at the four on the deck, all were radiating confidence.